Appointments are being delivered face-to-face, online and over the telephone. The surgery may appear quiet in view of fewer patients in the building and staggering of appointments, however we are working flat out and consulting at increased levels. This continues to be a very busy time for all of us and we thank you for your understanding and patience.
If for any reason you have to cancel an appointment, please let the reception staff know as soon as possible, then we will be able to let someone else use the appointment.
Routine Appointments
Appointments can be made up to 4-6 weeks in advance either at the surgery or by telephone on 01422 374109, between 8.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday (subject to availability).
Urgent Appointments
Patients with urgent problems can be seen on the same day. Brief medical details will be requested by the reception staff to help determine the urgency and signpost you to the right clinician. Please be aware that once we have reached safe working capacity for the day, we may not be able to offer a same day appointment.
E-Consultations – Contact us Online
If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online. You do not need a log in to use this facility.

The facility to book appointments online is currently suspended whilst we operate a triage service. This will be reviewed in due course.